Saturday, September 29, 2012

September 27-28, (depends on where you live)

As you see we finally arrived in Kenya, unfortunately with the 10 hour time difference and logistics of getting where we needed to be I'm a bit delayed in posting. Our total hour of inflight time was around 18 hours. Just within that period there were already some challenges. Arrived at the airport in good enough time with 20 checked bags(10 of those were filled with supplies for our projects). Then we each were allowed 2 carry on bags. Well, we were not aware of the weight issue with carry ons as they were to be TOTAL weight of 12kgs. Problem! Mine was over DOUBLE that amount. A few other team members & I began the scramble of repacking. Finally just settled with the fact that some of us would pay a fee for heavy checked bags. (Marc snuck my computer out and placed it back into my bag once I had checked back in!)
The Jetway was a long line and it was hot and a little offensive smelling (this is in San Francisco & we were flying with many foreigners), so I was actually looking forward to the 10 plus hour flight. It had already been a LONG day. We struggled to stay awake to eat our first meal, then quickly popped our Malaria meds, Tylenol PM, put on our eye bras, Bose headphones and snuggled down into our blankets for what we hoped to be a good long sleep.  Interesting how you make plans then life happens!  There was a man who sat next to us, spoke Dutch, and proceeded to talk VERY loudly the whole flight. We were so groggy we weren't able to ask him to use his "inside voice". Bonnie told him over and over "please stop, please stop!" But she figured out later these were only thoughts, she didn't actually speak those words.
Fast forward, arrived in Nairobi Friday night @ 8:30. Our luggage was all accounted for and we had prayer that God would get us through the last step.  Thanks to India (&God) we got through our final customs check without them looking in our bags. ** if they checked in our bags they could have taxed us on all the stuff we were bringing in!** WHEW!  Shortly after we were greeted by our driver from HEART and proceeded to push, roll, & carry around 38 pieces of luggage-- by10 women. Yes I'm sure we looked pathetic as we had to get to our bus which was a good distance.  From out of nowhere some "nice, but assertive" men showed up and began to assist  us with our "Burdens".  Needless to say they ended up wanting $100 for their services. We settled with $40 and a big lesson of not allowing anyone to help us that wasn't already part of our group. once again we were reminded that "God showed up!"
Another fast forward (but blurry) we had an actual bed to finally rest in and then up for our first day in Kenya...

Departure Day, September 27, 2012

The morning of departure started off with 3 hours of sleep and a 7 mile run @ 4:30 AM with my sole sisters Bonnie and Amy. What a blessing to begin the day running and reveling in the friendships of sisters in Christ. Similar to my days ahead (except the running) but the sharing of love and motherhood with the women of Kenya. What does God have in store for me? I continue to ask. Will I be able to rise to challenges ahead and how will I handle the heartaches I will encounter?
My biggest prayer has been “God, break my heart for what breaks yours. Open my eyes so that I may see, feel and touch you fully, no matter how painful that may be.”  As I now get closer to that journey I question if I asked God the right thing.  I know He will show me what HE NEEDS me to see. With surrender comes responsibility and only with His grace and love can I handle what is ahead.
I want to be broken. I want Him to be able to use me. I don’t want to doubt that wherever He wants to take me will be best. He’s never failed me when I allow Him to lead. And the freedom I feel being fully surrendered in His arms is amazing. 
I can question everything or I can let it all rest in the care of my Lord and Savior who says “give all your cares to me.”  For I WILL be weary and heavy burdened, but He promises me rest...In His arms...Couldn’t think of a better place to be.