Monday, October 8, 2012

Day 4, Coffee in Nairobi and HEART staff party

Misty and Sheri are happy campers

Enjoying a latte with Bonnie
Today we started off the day by leaving the HEART compound by 6:30 so we could head into the city of Nairobi for a little shopping and some good ol’ coffee. I was running on 5 hours sleep and really enjoyed a latte with the girls.

When we arrived back at HEART we began the preparations for the staff  party. The reason this was such a big deal is they had never had a party given to them. We had decided on the Hawaiian theme, they like to do things American!
It was so fun to watch each one of them grinning throughout the day. First we split up and played card games with them.  Then we showed them how to play musical chairs. Next was egg on a spoon. They told us they don’t play games. Knowing that I could see why they all had such a blast and just couldn’t stop smiling. A few of the staff members had told us later “they didn’t want this day to end! That was one of the most amazing days they’ve had.”

The women playing musical chairs

We enjoyed this beautiful place to come home to

The grounds at the HEART lodge
Again, blessing those whose jobs are to serve others was so rewarding. I realized how such basic things as having a party is a treat and something I tend to not think twice about.  Once again I was the one who came away blessed and filled with gratitude.

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